Urine naturally has a smell that can be more obvious at different times. However, it is not normally a strong smell. If the person you support's urine smells different than usual, it might mean that there is a problem. It is important to try to find out why you can smell urine. This will help you work out the problem and what help is needed.
If you notice any of the above signs, you need to talk about it with the person and their other support workers as well as your supervisor. It may be necessary to refer the person to a health care professional or a continence nurse advisor for further assessment.
Need more help? Call the National Continence Helpline on 18OO 33 OO 66 and talk to a continence nurse advisor.
If the person's clothes smell strongly of urine:
If there is a very strong smell of urine it means:
If a person is very dehydrated, their urine will be:
Urine smells strongly when:
This information is not a substitute for independent professional advice.